Gizlilik Sözleşmesi - Health Tourism Expos

Gizlilik Sözleşmesi

Bu gizlilik bildirimi en son 14/03/2024 tarihinde güncellendi ve Avrupa Ekonomik Alanı vatandaşları için geçerlidir.

Bu gizlilik bildiriminde, sizinle ilgili elde ettiğimiz verilerle aracılığıyla neler yaptığımızı açıklıyoruz. Bu bildirimi dikkatlice okumanızı öneririz. İşlemimizde gizlilik mevzuatının gerekliliklerine uyuyoruz. Bu, diğer şeylerin yanı sıra, şu anlama gelir:

  • kişisel verileri amaçladığımız amaçları açıkça belirtiyoruz. Bunu bu gizlilik bildirimi ile yapıyoruz;
  • kişisel veri koleksiyonumuzu yalnızca meşru amaçlar için gerekli olan kişisel verilerle sınırlamayı hedefliyoruz;
  • öncelikle sizin onayınızı gerektiren durumlarda kişisel verilerinizi işlemek için açık onayınızı isteriz;
  • kişisel verilerinizi korumak için uygun güvenlik önlemleri alıyoruz ve ayrıca kişisel verileri bizim adımıza işleyen taraflardan talep ediyoruz;
  • isteğiniz üzerine kişisel verilerinize erişme veya düzeltilmesini veya silinmesini sağlama hakkınıza saygı duyuyoruz.

Herhangi bir sorunuz varsa veya sizin için hangi verileri sakladığımızı tam olarak bilmek istiyorsanız, lütfen bizimle iletişime geçin.

1. Amaç, veri ve saklama süresi

We may collect or receive personal information for a number of purposes connected with our business operations which may include the following: (click to expand)

2. Diğer taraflarla paylaşma

Bu verileri yalnızca aşağıdaki amaçlarla işlemcilerle paylaşırız veya ifşa ederiz:

3. Çerezler

Our website uses cookies. For more information about cookies, please refer to our Cookie Policy

4. Disclosure practices

We disclose personal information if we are required by law or by a court order, in response to a law enforcement agency, to the extent permitted under other provisions of law, to provide information, or for an investigation on a matter related to public safety.

If our website or organisation is taken over, sold, or involved in a merger or acquisition, your details may be disclosed to our advisers and any prospective purchasers and will be passed on to the new owners.

Google, verileri başka herhangi bir Google hizmeti için kullanamaz.

Tam IP adreslerinin eklenmesi tarafımızdan engellenir.

5. Güvenlik

We are committed to the security of personal data. We take appropriate security measures to limit abuse of and unauthorized access to personal data. This ensures that only the necessary persons have access to your data, that access to the data is protected, and that our security measures are regularly reviewed.

6. Third-party websites

This privacy statement does not apply to third-party websites connected by links on our website. We cannot guarantee that these third parties handle your personal data in a reliable or secure manner. We recommend you read the privacy statements of these websites prior to making use of these websites.

7. Bu gizlilik bildirimindeki değişiklikler

Bu gizlilik bildiriminde değişiklik yapma hakkımız saklıdır. Değişikliklerden haberdar olmak için bu gizlilik bildirimine düzenli olarak başvurmanız önerilir. Ayrıca, mümkün olan her yerde sizi aktif olarak bilgilendireceğiz.

8. Verilerinize erişme ve verilerinizi değiştirme

Herhangi bir sorunuz varsa veya hakkınızda hangi kişisel verilerimiz olduğunu bilmek istiyorsanız, lütfen bizimle iletişime geçin. Aşağıdaki bilgileri kullanarak bizimle iletişime geçebilirsiniz. Aşağıdaki haklara sahipsiniz:

  • Kişisel verilerinize neden ihtiyaç duyulduğunu, ne olacağını ve ne kadar süreyle saklanacağını bilme hakkına sahipsiniz.
  • Erişim hakkı: Bizim tarafımızdan bilinen kişisel verilerinize erişme hakkına sahipsiniz.
  • Düzeltme hakkı: kişisel verilerinizi dilediğiniz zaman tamamlama, düzeltme, silme veya engelleme hakkına sahipsiniz.
  • Bize verilerinizi işleme izninizi verirseniz, bu rızayı iptal etme ve kişisel verilerinizi silme hakkınız vardır.
  • Verilerinizi aktarma hakkı: tüm kişisel verilerinizi denetleyiciden talep etme ve bütünüyle başka bir denetleyiciye aktarma hakkına sahipsiniz.
  • İtiraz hakkı: verilerinizin işlenmesine itiraz edebilirsiniz. İşleme için haklı gerekçeler olmadıkça buna uyuyoruz.

Lütfen kim olduğunuzu açıkça belirttiğinizden emin olun, böylece yanlış kişinin verilerini değiştirmediğimizden veya silmediğimizden emin olabiliriz.

9. Şikayet gönderme

Kişisel verilerinizin işlenme biçiminden memnun değilseniz (şikayetçiyseniz), Veri Koruma Kurumu'na şikayette bulunma hakkına sahipsiniz.

10. İletişim detayları

ALZ Grup A.Ş.
Dumlupınar Bulvarı No: 6, Armada İş Merkezi A Blok No: 5 06560 Söğütözü / ANKARA
İnternet Sitesi:
Phone number: +90 312 219 02 00

11. Data Requests

For the most frequently submitted requests, we also offer you the possibility to use our data request form




MailPoet newsletter & emails

If you have subscribed to our newsletter or if you are a member of our website (you can log in) or if you have purchased on our website, there is a good chance you will receive emails from us. We will only send you emails which you have signed up to receive, or which pertain to the services we provided to you. To send you emails, we use the name and email address you provide us. Our site also logs the IP address you used when you signed up for the service to prevent abuse of the system. This website can send emails through the MailPoet Sending Service. This service allows us to track opens and clicks on our emails. We use this information to improve the content of our newsletters. No identifiable information is otherwise tracked outside this website except for the email address.

Complianz | The Privacy Suite for WordPress

This website uses the Privacy Suite for WordPress from Complianz to collect records of consent. For this functionality your IP address is anonymized and stored in our database. For more information, see the Complianz Privacy Statement.

Event Tickets


This information serves as a guide on what sections need to be modified due to usage of Event Tickets and its Add-ons.

You should include the information below in the correct sections of you privacy policy.

Disclaimer: This information is only for guidance and not to be considered as legal advice.

What personal data we collect and why we collect it

Event, Attendee, and Ticket Purchaser Information

Through the usage of Event Tickets, Event Tickets Plus, and Community Tickets, information may be collected and stored within your website’s database.

Suggested text:

If you create, submit, import, save, or publish event ticket information, as well as obtain RSVPs or purchase tickets to events, such information is retained in the local database:
  1. Attendees information (RSVPs and Tickets): name and email address
  2. Ticket information (RSVPs and Tickets): name, email address, and ticket number/SKU (via check-in page)
  3. Ticket purchaser information: name and email address
  4. Ticket purchaser billing address, which is collected through the use of WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, or PayPal
Please note: The website owner can collect nearly any Attendee Information requested from ticket buyers by creating a custom registration form.

API Keys

Event Tickets suite offers the use of third-party API keys. The primary functions are to enhance the features we've built in, some of which use Google Maps and PayPal. These API keys are not supplied by Modern Tribe.

Suggested text:

We make use of certain API keys, in order to provide specific features. These API keys may include the following third party services: Google Maps and PayPal.

How Long You Retain this Data

All information (data) is retained in the local database indefinitely, unless otherwise deleted.

Certain data may be exported or removed upon users request via the existing Exporter or Eraser. Please note, however, that several "edge cases" exist in which we are unable to perfect the gathering and export of all data for your end users. We suggest running a search in your local database, as well as within the WordPress Dashboard, in order to identify all data collected and stored for your specific user requests.

Where We Send Your Data

Modern Tribe does not send any user data outside of your website by default.

If you have extended our plugin(s) to send data to a third-party service such as Eventbrite, Google Maps, or PayPal, user information may be passed to these external services. These services may be located abroad.

The Events Calendar


This information serves as a guide on what sections need to be modified due to usage of The Events Calendar and its Add-ons.

You should include the information below in the correct sections of you privacy policy.

Disclaimer: This information is only for guidance and not to be considered as legal advice.

What personal data we collect and why we collect it

Event, Venue, and Organizer Information

Through the usage of The Events Calendar, Events Calendar PRO, The Events Calendar Filter Bar, Eventbrite Tickets, and Community Events plugins, as well as our Event Aggregator Import service (contained within The Events Calendar plugin), information may be collected and stored within your website’s database.

Suggested text:

If you create, submit, import, save, or publish Event, Venue, or Organizer information, such information is retained in the local database:
  1. Venue information: name, address, city, country, state, postal code, phone, website, geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude)
  2. Organizer information: name, phone, website, email
  3. Event information: website, cost, description, date, time, image

Importing Events, Venues, and Organizers:

  1. All data present within a CSV or ICS file and external URLs (for events, venues, organizers, and tickets)
  2. Import origin data (URL from where events are being imported—such as Eventbrite, MeetUp, other compatible URL sources, and more, which can include similar or same data as listed above)
  3. Eventbrite Ticket information: name, description, cost, type, quantity
Please note that to create new events through the Community Events submission form, a user must hold a website account on this domain. This information is retained in the local database. It is also possible to create events anonymously, if the site owner has this option enabled. When purchasing Eventbrite Tickets, attendee, purchaser, and order information are stored and managed by Eventbrite.

API Keys

The Events Calendar suite offers the use of third-party API keys. The primary functions are to enhance the features we've built in, some of which use Google Maps, PayPal, Eventbrite, and Meetup. These API keys are not supplied by The Events Calendar.

Suggested text:

We make use of certain APIs, in order to provide specific features. These APIs may include the following third party services: Google Maps (API key), Meetup (OAuth token), PayPal (email, Client ID, Client Secret), Eventbrite (API key, auth URL, Client Secret), and Zoom (email, Client ID, Client Secret).

How Long You Retain this Data

All information (data) is retained in the local database indefinitely, unless otherwise deleted.

Certain data may be exported or removed upon users’ requests via the existing Exporter or Eraser. Please note, however, that several “edge cases” exist in which we are unable to perfect the gathering and export of all data for your end users. We suggest running a search in your local database, as well as within the WordPress Dashboard, in order to identify all data collected and stored for your specific user requests.

Where We Send Your Data

The Events Calendar does not send any user data outside of your website by default.

If you have extended our plugin(s) to send data to a third-party service such as Eventbrite, Google Maps, or PayPal, user information may be passed to these external services. These services may be located abroad.


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